How to help Someone with Sex Addiction?

Your friend may be a good person who respects its job and relationships and knows that harmony lies in being with his loved ones and carrying out the work they have been given. As virtuous as you may think they are, there is always room for vices, and because they work hard, mild relaxation won’t do it for them. It’s tough to be good all around so they need a bout of bad behavior that should not do major harm but it isn’t always that the person yield’s to a vice that is harmless, often getting more messed up than ever.
Sex addiction is one such vice which can threaten all the beautiful relationships in anyone’s life where they take the step to satisfy their impulses even after knowing that there will be negative consequences. Lack of control over sexual thoughts and not able to direct their sexual impulses only at their partner can make them the type of person who wants to and does have, at times, intercourse with whoever they can find in their field of vision.

Tips To Help Someone With Sex Addiction

#1. Check Their Actions
This is a truth for all of us that a habit is a habit till changing it becomes a struggle. So, you need to check their actions and get them to speak the thoughts that beseech them to bang. Once they speak to you and start checking their actions with your help, they will soon realize that they are not functioning normally and will seek help to change their compulsive behavior and help someone with a sex addiction.
#2. Exercise
One of the first steps in working towards a healthy relationship with sex is that you find an activity for them which they can undertake whenever their compulsive demon is making progress towards control so that they can cut him down to size. When you will insist them to workout or perform any physical activity, their body will release endorphins that will give them a high that can curb the urge to meet the sex high; it will also help them develop more resistance to pain even the pain of being sex addiction and not getting it.
#3. Push Them To Crave Other Things
When your friend or loved one substitute sex for food or shopping and crave them with the same energy with which he/she craved sex, it can be the beginning of their weaning off from sex addiction that is harming them. You just need to help them and join them in fulfilling their craving which can be for food, shopping or travelling.
#4. Reduce Porn
The person with sex addiction can firmly believe that no other kind of life suits them and imitate the way in which porn stars have sex replicating video after video. This is an extreme form of sex addiction that stems from porn star being a role model. However, a tight porn policy and installing a porn blocker software on their phone secretly can help them a great deal.
#5. Remove Things
Delete the contacts of people who they have been intimate with in the past and the people who you think are sexual prospects of their future. Removal of their social account from Facebook or an app that they use for affairs has to go so that they don’t lose people who really love them and don’t have something to return to whenever they get some free time on their hands. 
#6. Tell Them Food Doesn’t Always Go To The Libido
People who have a chronic sex addiction and are not deterred even by the most unsexy things using their imagination and hunger to find something sexual in nature are the ones who eat only to release. This kind of thinking has to depart if one is to remove his/her sex addiction and your friend cannot do this without your help and support. Sharing meals with them once a day and then doing an activity that distances them a mile from sex are other ways of burning calories that they will see are possible.
To Get know more Tips on How to help Someone with Sex Addiction?


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