Mindful Ways To Let Go Of Hidden Anger

To start this blog post, let’s discuss what causes emotional pain. There are many reasons for having an emotional pain — starting with childhood issues like neglect, abuse and abandonment or adulthood issues like relationship problems, loss of a loved one, being a crime victim, and other situations in which you feel powerless.
One of the deep emotional issues some people struggle with is passive or active anger. To be able to discharge anger and resentment, you have to know why it’s good for you to let go. First, let’s take a look at the physiology of anger. When anger happens, it is the amygdala that is experiencing it, which is a small structure within the limbic system. The limbic system is the center of the emotional brain and is in the lower area of the brain and is considered more primitive. We also have the cerebral cortex, which is the thinking and more evolved part of the brain where logic takes part.
When you are experiencing and expressing anger, you are using your limbic center. In other words, the information comes from the world to the amygdala, and that is where a decision is made to act in a “fight or flight“ kind of way or to send the information to the cortex for further processing to make a sound judgment as to how we want to respond considering all the consequences. Therefore, if we have an incident of an amygdala hijack, we cannot send the information for further processing to the cortex, and may respond quickly and impulsively — which can create further problems for us and those interacting with us.
When there is an amygdala hijack, there is a rush of hormones that can cause an excess alertness preparing the person for a response. During this flow of hormones, the person may be out of control and may do or say things that are out of proportion, too harmful and that she may regret. Besides the initial rush of hormone, there is another hormone that is released that may last for several hours. This is why you may have an angry reaction then calm down but have an over reactive episode again over something small a little later on. It is the “leftover” of that rush of hormone that lasts for hours. So if you or someone you know is amygdala hijacked, give it at least 20 minutes for the calming down process to happen and monitor the side effects.
Now, to go back to the main focus of this blog post, let’s look at some ways to do deep anger damage control and release any deep emotional feelings attached to this emotion. If you have a form of overt or covert (hidden or active) anger, you may find these useful.

How to Let Go of Hidden Anger?

Just like we have our hidden secrets, we do have our hidden anger too, which comes out at the most unexpected times. We keep it within ourselves to avoid fights or conflicts, but it is better just to let go of it. Once you let go of hidden anger, you automatically start feeling much lighter and happier. Your mind and heart feel at peace with each other. If you too are one of those you keep their anger hidden and are not able to deal with it anymore, here’s what you should do. Follow us:
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Click here to know Hidden anger symptoms


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