Tips to deal with Hookup Regret

Even when you enthusiastically consent to sex, there is still the lingering possibility that you might feel none too pleased with your choice in the cold light of day. But hookup regret is not the same as changing your mind mid-session — which is always grounds to stop immediately — it’s just the sinking feeling hours, days or even months after that your choice of sexual partner(s) was a bit lamentable.
Whether the person you engaged with sexually turned out to be a raging jerk or just someone you later found morally/physically/emotionally or sexually repulsive, there are ways to deal with your feelings in a manner that isn’t slut-shamey and that don’t make you feel worse about yourself.
As I’ve said many times: bad sex is like bad pizza — there may be a better slice out there, but you won’t know until you take a bite. So pat yourself on the back for at least attempting to satisfy your hunger, despite how queasy you may feel post-meal. Most of us experience a twinge (or deluge) of regret post-indulgence, and here are five sex-positive ways to deal with it.

How To Deal With Hookup Regret?

Bad sex is nothing more than a bad pizza, there may be better slices out there, but how would you know until you take a bite? So, just relax and pat your back for at least you tried to satiate your hunger, despite how sick you felt post-meal. Most of us regret having sex with a hookup. Read below if you too experienced the “kill me” feeling after hooking up for casual sex.
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